What Other Have Translate
Does anyone onderstand what this says? This sign is onbelievably bad. I think I onderestimated how many foreign translators suck at their job. This is quite onintentionally funny!.. Btw, that is one ugly-ass dumpster.
Onreedemable is supposed to me unrecyclable, not for recycling.
I'm the photographer and uploader. Gimme a good caption 'cause my mind is so boggled by this picture that I got nothing.
dear Photographer and Uploader, if you can't think of a good caption, I am afraid you are onredeemable. Sorry to have to be the one to inform you.
Does anyone onderstand what this says? This sign is onbelievably bad. I think I onderestimated how many foreign translators suck at their job. This is quite onintentionally funny!.. Btw, that is one ugly-ass dumpster.