What Other Have Translate
Just courtesy. Don't want your dead body bothering other patrons.
Thanks for your corporation! haha
lol i just died reading this one...
I can't keep table clean after dying..I'll be dead already.
in asia people don`t dine.. they die!
hahah so funny, I like that Obat tradisional darah tinggi
First they killed me. Then they stole my corporation.
I dead. You no make me clean tabelt.
I'd lol'd so hard, . . . can't breathe
i seriously laughed till i choked at this one
"Again, the chinese need to be directed to act like civilized human beings? I thought they invented civilization! Something's serious wrong over there." The Sumerians did.
"I'd lol'd so hard, . . . can't breathe" well, if you happen to die of suffocation, just make sure you clean up afterwards.
Just courtesy. Don't want your dead body bothering other patrons.