What Other Have Translate
All your grammar are belong in toilet.
so if i have a cerebal heart condition i shouldnt climb the great wall and talk on my cellphone in a thunderstorm? ok got it, it will raise up mothra and then that means godzilla ...sigh i hate working for a insurance agency, they take all the fun out of giant creature destruction....
If you suffer from heart disease, beware your condition while you are climbing up on the Great Wall.
Cant speak on phone, but if i got heart desease I gotta climb the wall! AHH.
Would you do any better writing or speaking in their language?
I discovered on another translator it meant "thunder weather prohibited to smack cellphones"
You are prohibited to speak Cellphone when you are saying Thunderstorm
Ascend the great wall to watch for the evil heart cerebral disease sufferer.
Speak like yoda, you can, too. Yes, hmmm.
I speak fluent cellphone!
All your grammar are belong in toilet.