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They just trying to tell us to leave our valuables behind while going to the Casino. And be ready to get back naked.
It's from Dandong Police Department.
Pleace LOL
lmao i wont use that safe for sure!!
be ready for lose
HEY! I don't know who you think I am, but I'm NOT gonna let some yellow asshole with red lights for ears tell ME where to leave my valuables and not to do blow.
And here i was thinking that gambling, prostitution, and drug abuse were legal!!!
Se n??o estivesse escrito em japon??s (ou chin??s, coreano, que seja), eu diria que essa placa ?? aqui do Brasil.
*If it wasn't written on japanese (or chinese, corean, whatever), I would say that this sign is from here, Brazil.
They just trying to tell us to leave our valuables behind while going to the Casino. And be ready to get back naked.